Monday, March 16, 2009

San Diego

Last week we went to San Diego for a speech tournament. The first day we went to the zoo which was amazing, we saw elephants, kowalas, pandas, camels, gorillas, rinos, bear-cat, clouded leoperd and capybaras! While we were there we saw two babys. One was a little baby kowala (sooooo cute!) and a 6th month old gorilla, now the baby gorilla was having its first time in the exibit so it was always looking at people and trying to touch and kiss them through the glass. O my gosh it was the cutest thing ever. Other than the platapus the capybara is my favorite animal so when I saw them I just couldn't pull myself away from them, they're awesome. After the zoo we had a busy tournament (inside joke "the statues are so moving!") and in the end my sister got first out of like 200 people!

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